10% For Charity Shippments

We offer a 10% Standard discount for shipments on non profit organisation shipments inteded for Charity. This however is only actualised by the provison of the necessary proof documents that the support the claim and may be requested by our staff at any given moment.

To facilitate in-land transit, Amezam LLC owns a fleet of highly secured trucks. Inaddition, Amezam LLC is constantly seeking to enhance its competitiveness and offers special promotions and incentives to its most valued clients, including rebates for shippers and shipping agents, rebates for referrals, free shipping supplies, and free local delivery (on select orders).

Map 1 – Amezam LLC Pick-up Locations in the U.S.A.


Arizona Illinois Nebraska
California Indiana Nevada
Connecticut Kansas New York
District of Columbia (DC) Maryland Ohio
Delaware Massachusetts Pennsylvania
Florida Minnesota Virginia
Georgia Missouri Seattle, Washington